Oh Joy! Academy/Live Q&A: How to Pitch a Book Idea

  • $98

Live Q&A: How to Pitch a Book Idea

The thought of turning an idea for a book into a reality can seem completely overwhelming. How does it happen? Who do you talk to? Do you find a publisher or do you self-publish? Do you need an agent? With this Live Q&A I'll take you through the steps and help you pitch the book of your dreams!
September 7th from 10-11:30am PST


How to Pitch a Book Idea by Joy Cho
  • 365 KB

In this Live Q&A, we'll review:

  • Concepting and Refining Your Idea 
  • Getting a Publisher vs. Self-Publishing
  • Researching Publishers for Your Book Idea 
  • Book Agents 
  • Putting Together the Book Pitch
  • Submitting the Pitch 
  • What to do if you get a YES or a NO
  • PLUS, I will answer questions from you which will be collected in advance!

With 7 published books under my belt, I’ve pitched, developed, and written a range of books. And I want to share everything I know with you to help make your book dreams come true! In advance of the Zoom, you will receive an email to ask any specific questions in advance so I can prep them for our session!

This live Zoom will be on Thursday, September 7th from 10-11:30am PST. Please make sure you are available for this date before signing up.

P.S. If you have already purchased the "How to Pitch a Book" Workbook, use code: BOOK10 for $10 off this live session.


I haven't written a book before, will this still help me?

Yes! This Q&A is meant for anyone who wants to write and pitch a book idea. Whether you have no idea whatsoever how to do it or you have some idea and just need more guidance, I'm covering it all!

Will this help if I have already downloaded your How to Pitch a Book PDF?

Yes! This is an expanded version of that PDF. Whether you have already read it or are reading it for the first time, I will review that material but then offer a chance to have your other questions answered.